Monday, May 11, 2009
#03; Damaged Heart
Ahh, I'm now in my mom's shop and am using her laptop so I can't type Korean ): Gaaaaaaah.
Anyways, if you noticed, I have new pictures in my profile and the last section!
Yes, yes, I know it's lame ._. Sorry. I apologise.
This is what you get when you mix J'na(me), PhotoShop, Brushe, Fonts, Newpictures and Fandom ._.
Sorry for not talking to you in a long time, T! D:
Have been busy learning dances and fangirl-ing =x Sorrysorrysorry! I will make it up to you soon!
Love, yo! Peace XD
Just had a facial and I took pictures of me with the mask! But I can't upload it now so I'll do it when I'm home!
Did I mention that it's exam period now?
No I didn't?! Nooo waaaaaaaay.
Anyways, it is now!
We had our English, Chinese, Social Studies, Chemistry P3, Chem&Phy practical and Computer Studies so far ;D
Still have History, Physics P2, Chem+Phy P1, Bio P1 and P2 and, Biology SPA and CompStudies coursework to finish!
English is okay I guess. But Ms Lim said we did like crap ._. What a downer.
Chinese is a no-need-to-say. Besides, I'm now learning Korean ^^
I'm offically gonna call Social Studies, Social Suicide x__x Argh, it was hard. And the topic I studied came out for SBQ! Thanks to Hidayah -_- She told me Diplomacy and Deterance confirm will be one of our SEQ questions. And that Globalisation CONFIRM won't come out for SEQ.
Appar, everything thing went against what she said -_- I wish I didn't listen to her and studied Globalisation! Argh! Ah well.. Whatev.
Chemistry was hard -_- I hate mol calculations! But I love Redox! Too bad there were sooo little Redox questions ): I told Kai Xuan(or was it someone else?) that I'd either just pass, if not fail.
Practical was nothing I guess. I got Copper (II) Chloride. And I didn't even bother doing Physics ._.
Computer Studies was actually relatively easy o__o Mostly general knowledge although some required textbook knowledge. If I read the textbook I might do well. But then again, given my luck, I'll prolly do bad ._.
Well, I don't look forward to Biology. And Physics. Cos I woudn't know what to do while everyone's doing their papers..
History would be okay I guess. Just need to remember the shizz about Hitler(or was it Stalin?) and I'll be okay ;D
Computer Studies coursework is a longterm thing so whatev. And SPA is GAH D:
I hate exams!
I so so so wanna go and dance!
I decided to chase my dream of being an artiste(sing/dance) as far as possible. I'm studying now as a Plan B. I think I can make it ;D NO WAIT. I KNOW I CAN MAKE IT! XD
And I don't care what you guys think!
The critism and comments you throw my way will only serve as my motivation to work harder ^^
But that'll mean I have to behave better now cos whatever stupid things I do now can be used against me in the future ._.
Ahh, J'na's gonna be a good girl ;o
4:17 PM
Monday, April 27, 2009
#02; 돌라도지돌 몰라
[FYI; the previous post was actually written yesterday.. But I changed my blog account so I moved it over here. So thus, tadah!~]
Hmm.. It's Monday! 1 day away from the English examinations. Hmm. I'm afraid. Yet excited. I don't know what to expect!! Somehow I'm afraid that I'll fail, but another part of me is like, 'Nah, it's okay. You'll do fine (:'
These few days I have been studying. As in seriously studying.
Kinda 'fun' but also very tiring. That's why I'm resting now!
I'm not used to mugging like this.
But now, on my free days where I don't have to go to school, I'll probably go to the library. Cos staying at home is too distracting.
With my sisters screaming away, it's a wonder how I manage to keep my attention on my work.
School's a bugger. Not much up. Now, the teachers are nagging more as it's 'MID YEARS MID YEARS MID YEARS'. Hello, don't we have a life? -_-
But it's also scary as after Mid-years, its Prelims, and before you know it, the big O.
And then we'll be off to our teirtary education. Yes I have no idea how to spell that -_- Pathetic.
I'm excited, yet scared. It's a big step huh? This is like more major than Primary school to Secondary school.
Damn my father's back. He will definitely ask me to study. And if I told him I studied already, he'll say 'Study some more then.'
God, I feel my life slowly depleting away.
I'm definitely bound to be a groundhog.
And everyday will be groundhog day.
Today school was average.
Chemistry I was actually super sleepy, so I kinda fell asleep here and there. For Biology, we had a mini test which I think I can pass. I don't think Transcription and Translation is much of a problem.. But then again, who am I to speak? I'm not Bio pro..
Chinese was soso~ Fell asleep again. I hate doing Chinese comprehension corrections. It's a drag! I got a single digit number over 100 for last week's Chinese test; but then again, that's not a big surprise. It's not even new. Shoot, I'm really gonna fail everything ._.
Yep, I'm in my pessimistic mode now. Weird, I was actually kinda happy just now ._.
Prolly cos I'm trying to stick away from using emoticons. Why?
Cos I realise I kinda use emoticons to express my feelings when I'm blogging. But exams, you can't use that. So I guess I'm trying to express myself with words? But I'm lousy. Noooo D:
There are weird theft cases going around in JWSS.
Sweets and painkillers getting stolen; that's new. Never heard of that. I feel like making a random blog named 'stealingyourpainkillers' but then, everyone will think I'm the culprit..
But I think my class is lucky cos almost no theft cases have been reported regarding our class. But that doesn't mean we have immunity, so we'll have to keep on our guard.
EVERYONE PLEASE, if you wanna bring your phone, keep it with you AT ALL TIMES. Cos if it gets stolen, it's your stupidity that's causing you. No offence to people who had their stuff stolen. Esp to WY.
Assembly was actually kinda fun! Was about poetry. Assemblies should be like that! That way, we wouldn't fall asleep and no one would get called out. And if no one's called out, we'll all reach class in time! It's a 1 for 1 deal ;D Win-win situation~ I'm smart, ahhaa! ;D
PC was okay? Don't really remember much. All I know is that I'm definitely dreading our SL project. We're going to have to sell bookmarks on the street. I don't think that's so much of a smart idea. We should do something like a flea market or bazaar. Huh.
CE was nothing much either. But Amirul definitely hit his head on something; that explains his wack behaviour ._.
But he is funny though ;D Haa~
Physics was spent trying to repair my watch. Thank God its repairable. If not I would have died on the spot.
I also played those stupid 'FLAMES' and 'AEIOU' games that 'determine your future love life'. Sad huh?
CS is getting harder, imo.
Everyone was stressing (okay maybe not Maimon and Jiasi)!
I was, but I just didn't show it. I may look all serene but I'm actually cussing my heart out in my brain ._. Pro right?
Anyways, that's all I have for now. I know this blog is still boring. But hey! I'm not allowed to have a life now, what can I do?
안녕!~ ㅋㅋ ^^
7:31 PM
#01; 안돼! NEW BLOG AGAIN!
Sorry, sorry. I apologise that I changed my blog url again. And to make it worse I even made it a long one(it consists of 32 letters for the front part itself. 43 including 'blogspot' and 'com'..)
Anyways, I suddenly lost my interest in blogging today's post. So I shall just show the pictures -_-Gah, my youngest sister drives me nuts. HOW OLD IS SHE? HOW COME SHE IS ALLOWED TO PLAY MAPLE, SIMS AND OTHERS?Can't believe I'm starting off my first post with this. But I am annoyed. Okay I shall use the 's' code and cancel this out. And I shall post properly.
Well today I danced all the way from 11:30pm of yesterday, to 1:30am of this morning.
Have been doing so the past few days ._. I'm getting obsessive with 2PM! Nooooooo D: Fangirl status is on the high ._.
After that, spent 30mins lying on the floor with Phoebe, my dog, and stratching her armpits.. Uh, yeh, her armpits.
I watched her eyes slowly drop; which was very cute! But every little movement I make, her eyes will shoot back open again. Which shows she loves me alot and is worried about me ;D Awwh I love my dog!! <3 id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5329329886627412114" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 240px; CURSOR: hand; HEIGHT: 320px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="" border="0">
She caught me listen to my iPod(that's actually my purse..);
And she caught me grinning super goofily ㅋㅋ~;

And we realised, I have super powers!I can emit light from my ears!

Okay kidding -_- This is what happened;
So anyway, at our church's new location, there's this board at the back of the stage with a lighthouse. Light comes out from both sides of the tower.
So anyways, the Chinese translator was standing in the middle, blocking the lighthouse. We were hitting each other (yeh I can't believe we haven't grown up yet..) and suddenly my sister ask me to look at him, which I did. So what I saw was...
It was damn epic!
After church, we headed to Jurong Point for lunch at Old Town White Coffee. Had the popular Ipoh Chicken Hor Fan which I don't really like while my sister had Curry Chicken Sticky Rice. I prefer hers to mine. BUT I LOVE THEIR HAZELNUT COFFEE!! ㅋㅋ~^^
After that my mom headed home with my baby sister and me, my other sister and my dad went to FairPrice Xtra. And here's what I did;

This is actually inspired by something Taecyeon did ;D Haa ^^
That's all I've to say for now!!
Once again, I apologise for changing blogurl again! 미엔합니다! ㅠㅠ~안녕! ^^~
7:17 PM
Monday, May 11, 2009
#03; Damaged Heart
Ahh, I'm now in my mom's shop and am using her laptop so I can't type Korean ): Gaaaaaaah.
Anyways, if you noticed, I have new pictures in my profile and the last section!
Yes, yes, I know it's lame ._. Sorry. I apologise.
This is what you get when you mix J'na(me), PhotoShop, Brushe, Fonts, Newpictures and Fandom ._.
Sorry for not talking to you in a long time, T! D:
Have been busy learning dances and fangirl-ing =x Sorrysorrysorry! I will make it up to you soon!
Love, yo! Peace XD
Just had a facial and I took pictures of me with the mask! But I can't upload it now so I'll do it when I'm home!
Did I mention that it's exam period now?
No I didn't?! Nooo waaaaaaaay.
Anyways, it is now!
We had our English, Chinese, Social Studies, Chemistry P3, Chem&Phy practical and Computer Studies so far ;D
Still have History, Physics P2, Chem+Phy P1, Bio P1 and P2 and, Biology SPA and CompStudies coursework to finish!
English is okay I guess. But Ms Lim said we did like crap ._. What a downer.
Chinese is a no-need-to-say. Besides, I'm now learning Korean ^^
I'm offically gonna call Social Studies, Social Suicide x__x Argh, it was hard. And the topic I studied came out for SBQ! Thanks to Hidayah -_- She told me Diplomacy and Deterance confirm will be one of our SEQ questions. And that Globalisation CONFIRM won't come out for SEQ.
Appar, everything thing went against what she said -_- I wish I didn't listen to her and studied Globalisation! Argh! Ah well.. Whatev.
Chemistry was hard -_- I hate mol calculations! But I love Redox! Too bad there were sooo little Redox questions ): I told Kai Xuan(or was it someone else?) that I'd either just pass, if not fail.
Practical was nothing I guess. I got Copper (II) Chloride. And I didn't even bother doing Physics ._.
Computer Studies was actually relatively easy o__o Mostly general knowledge although some required textbook knowledge. If I read the textbook I might do well. But then again, given my luck, I'll prolly do bad ._.
Well, I don't look forward to Biology. And Physics. Cos I woudn't know what to do while everyone's doing their papers..
History would be okay I guess. Just need to remember the shizz about Hitler(or was it Stalin?) and I'll be okay ;D
Computer Studies coursework is a longterm thing so whatev. And SPA is GAH D:
I hate exams!
I so so so wanna go and dance!
I decided to chase my dream of being an artiste(sing/dance) as far as possible. I'm studying now as a Plan B. I think I can make it ;D NO WAIT. I KNOW I CAN MAKE IT! XD
And I don't care what you guys think!
The critism and comments you throw my way will only serve as my motivation to work harder ^^
But that'll mean I have to behave better now cos whatever stupid things I do now can be used against me in the future ._.
Ahh, J'na's gonna be a good girl ;o
4:17 PM
Monday, April 27, 2009
#02; 돌라도지돌 몰라
[FYI; the previous post was actually written yesterday.. But I changed my blog account so I moved it over here. So thus, tadah!~]
Hmm.. It's Monday! 1 day away from the English examinations. Hmm. I'm afraid. Yet excited. I don't know what to expect!! Somehow I'm afraid that I'll fail, but another part of me is like, 'Nah, it's okay. You'll do fine (:'
These few days I have been studying. As in seriously studying.
Kinda 'fun' but also very tiring. That's why I'm resting now!
I'm not used to mugging like this.
But now, on my free days where I don't have to go to school, I'll probably go to the library. Cos staying at home is too distracting.
With my sisters screaming away, it's a wonder how I manage to keep my attention on my work.
School's a bugger. Not much up. Now, the teachers are nagging more as it's 'MID YEARS MID YEARS MID YEARS'. Hello, don't we have a life? -_-
But it's also scary as after Mid-years, its Prelims, and before you know it, the big O.
And then we'll be off to our teirtary education. Yes I have no idea how to spell that -_- Pathetic.
I'm excited, yet scared. It's a big step huh? This is like more major than Primary school to Secondary school.
Damn my father's back. He will definitely ask me to study. And if I told him I studied already, he'll say 'Study some more then.'
God, I feel my life slowly depleting away.
I'm definitely bound to be a groundhog.
And everyday will be groundhog day.
Today school was average.
Chemistry I was actually super sleepy, so I kinda fell asleep here and there. For Biology, we had a mini test which I think I can pass. I don't think Transcription and Translation is much of a problem.. But then again, who am I to speak? I'm not Bio pro..
Chinese was soso~ Fell asleep again. I hate doing Chinese comprehension corrections. It's a drag! I got a single digit number over 100 for last week's Chinese test; but then again, that's not a big surprise. It's not even new. Shoot, I'm really gonna fail everything ._.
Yep, I'm in my pessimistic mode now. Weird, I was actually kinda happy just now ._.
Prolly cos I'm trying to stick away from using emoticons. Why?
Cos I realise I kinda use emoticons to express my feelings when I'm blogging. But exams, you can't use that. So I guess I'm trying to express myself with words? But I'm lousy. Noooo D:
There are weird theft cases going around in JWSS.
Sweets and painkillers getting stolen; that's new. Never heard of that. I feel like making a random blog named 'stealingyourpainkillers' but then, everyone will think I'm the culprit..
But I think my class is lucky cos almost no theft cases have been reported regarding our class. But that doesn't mean we have immunity, so we'll have to keep on our guard.
EVERYONE PLEASE, if you wanna bring your phone, keep it with you AT ALL TIMES. Cos if it gets stolen, it's your stupidity that's causing you. No offence to people who had their stuff stolen. Esp to WY.
Assembly was actually kinda fun! Was about poetry. Assemblies should be like that! That way, we wouldn't fall asleep and no one would get called out. And if no one's called out, we'll all reach class in time! It's a 1 for 1 deal ;D Win-win situation~ I'm smart, ahhaa! ;D
PC was okay? Don't really remember much. All I know is that I'm definitely dreading our SL project. We're going to have to sell bookmarks on the street. I don't think that's so much of a smart idea. We should do something like a flea market or bazaar. Huh.
CE was nothing much either. But Amirul definitely hit his head on something; that explains his wack behaviour ._.
But he is funny though ;D Haa~
Physics was spent trying to repair my watch. Thank God its repairable. If not I would have died on the spot.
I also played those stupid 'FLAMES' and 'AEIOU' games that 'determine your future love life'. Sad huh?
CS is getting harder, imo.
Everyone was stressing (okay maybe not Maimon and Jiasi)!
I was, but I just didn't show it. I may look all serene but I'm actually cussing my heart out in my brain ._. Pro right?
Anyways, that's all I have for now. I know this blog is still boring. But hey! I'm not allowed to have a life now, what can I do?
안녕!~ ㅋㅋ ^^
7:31 PM
#01; 안돼! NEW BLOG AGAIN!
Sorry, sorry. I apologise that I changed my blog url again. And to make it worse I even made it a long one(it consists of 32 letters for the front part itself. 43 including 'blogspot' and 'com'..)
Anyways, I suddenly lost my interest in blogging today's post. So I shall just show the pictures -_-Gah, my youngest sister drives me nuts. HOW OLD IS SHE? HOW COME SHE IS ALLOWED TO PLAY MAPLE, SIMS AND OTHERS?Can't believe I'm starting off my first post with this. But I am annoyed. Okay I shall use the 's' code and cancel this out. And I shall post properly.
Well today I danced all the way from 11:30pm of yesterday, to 1:30am of this morning.
Have been doing so the past few days ._. I'm getting obsessive with 2PM! Nooooooo D: Fangirl status is on the high ._.
After that, spent 30mins lying on the floor with Phoebe, my dog, and stratching her armpits.. Uh, yeh, her armpits.
I watched her eyes slowly drop; which was very cute! But every little movement I make, her eyes will shoot back open again. Which shows she loves me alot and is worried about me ;D Awwh I love my dog!! <3 id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5329329886627412114" style="DISPLAY: block; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 240px; CURSOR: hand; HEIGHT: 320px; TEXT-ALIGN: center" alt="" src="" border="0">
She caught me listen to my iPod(that's actually my purse..);
And she caught me grinning super goofily ㅋㅋ~;

And we realised, I have super powers!I can emit light from my ears!

Okay kidding -_- This is what happened;
So anyway, at our church's new location, there's this board at the back of the stage with a lighthouse. Light comes out from both sides of the tower.
So anyways, the Chinese translator was standing in the middle, blocking the lighthouse. We were hitting each other (yeh I can't believe we haven't grown up yet..) and suddenly my sister ask me to look at him, which I did. So what I saw was...
It was damn epic!
After church, we headed to Jurong Point for lunch at Old Town White Coffee. Had the popular Ipoh Chicken Hor Fan which I don't really like while my sister had Curry Chicken Sticky Rice. I prefer hers to mine. BUT I LOVE THEIR HAZELNUT COFFEE!! ㅋㅋ~^^
After that my mom headed home with my baby sister and me, my other sister and my dad went to FairPrice Xtra. And here's what I did;

This is actually inspired by something Taecyeon did ;D Haa ^^
That's all I've to say for now!!
Once again, I apologise for changing blogurl again! 미엔합니다! ㅠㅠ~안녕! ^^~
7:17 PM